Hieronder vindt u een overzicht met publicaties over het Restore4Stroke Cohort onderzoek. Door op de link te drukken kunt u de desbetreffende publicatie bekijken.
Nederlandstalige publicaties
- Ondezoek naar kwaliteit van leven na CVA in Antenne (medewerkersblad St. Antonius Ziekenhuis), december 2011
- Algemene informatie over de studie in CVA Magazine, mei 2011
Internationale publicaties
- Life satisfaction post stroke: the role of illness cognitions, juni 2015
- Psychological factors determine depressive symptomatology after stroke, februari 2015
- Does the frequency of participation change after stroke and is this change associated with the subjective experience of participation?, september 2014
- The influence of psychological factors on health-related quality of life after stroke: a systematic review, oktober 2013
- Associations between social support and stroke survivors’ health-related quality of life – a systematic review, juli 2013
- A longitudinal cohort study on quality of life in stroke patients and their partners: Restore4Stroke Cohort, september 2012